Begone Spirit Bitch

Since moving into our new house we have had a few weird things happen but nothing that could not be wrote off on a house settling. Recently I’ve experienced footsteps from the kitchen to the room I was in while everyone is asleep, once again could be the house settling. The weirdest thing so far that could not be the house settling happened while alone in my home vacuuming the hallway. I thought someone walked up behind me and flicked me, needless to say no one was there. Being a true lady feed up this bullshit I cussed the spirit bitch out with some very unladylike like language. A lot of F!@#% were given this day. Anyway, at this point I’m laughing like an idiot cause who does this, seriously I’m sure my dogs think I’m crazy.

However, it must have worked cause no more weirdness happened for days. Then I took a picture of my dog in my car. I could be crazy but it looks like someone is in my back seat. At first I thought it was my seat but my back seat was down since I was moving boxes all day. I’m officially blaming it on dirty as hell windows but on the other hand at least the bitch is outside and taking a back seat.
